Article I: Name
The association shall be called the Kenya Society for Immunology (KSI).intersect.

Article II: Aims and Function.
- The objective of the Society shall be to advance knowledge of immunology within Kenya. For this purpose the Society shall encourage the organisation of scientific meetings, symposia or courses, and promote any activity deemed helpful to forward these objectives.
- The Society shall promote excellence in education of immunology and provide a forum for advocacy on behalf of students and laboratory professionals
- The Society shall promote contacts and communication between persons, institutes and societies interested in immunology.
- The Society shall represent Kenyan immunologists in the International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS).
Article III: Membership
- Membership can be gained by application for a membership by people who practice or have an interest in the field of immunology.
- Individual membership shall be approved by the Council (see article V). Membership is validated by payment of the annual fee.
- The General Assembly (see article VI) may invite Honorary Members from any country, and they will be exempt of the annual fee. In addition to being a scientist of high repute, an Honorary Member should also have made significant impact on immunology in Kenya or one or more East African countries, for instance by training students or by productive
collaboration with East African individuals or research groups. When a person has been elected, the General Secretary shall inform him/her of his/her election and send him/her a copy of the statutes and membership list. - Cancellation of membership shall be made in response to a written application of resignation.
- Any person who resigns or is removed from membership shall not be entitled to a refund of their subscription or any part thereof or any monies contributed at any other time.
- Disapproval of membership shall be decided upon by the General Assembly when a) a member has not paid the annual fee for a period of two consecutive years; b) the member’s conduct/ objectives run counter to the aims and interests of the KSI or c) upon resignation.

Article IV: Business.
- The business year shall be the calendar year. The annual fee, upon recommendation of the Council, shall be determined by a majority vote of the annual General Assembly.
- The office of the Chairperson shall be the official centre of the Society.
Article V: The Council.
- The executive body of the Society shall be its Council.
- The Council shall consist of 8 ordinary members, (see article III). Among its members, the Council nominates a Chairperson, a Vice Chairperson, a General Secretary and a Treasurer. In addition, the Meeting Secretary (see article VI) of the forthcoming Annual Scientific Meeting shall be an ex officio member of the Council. The council has the ability to co-opt
two additional members to help carry out their programmes. All of whom shall be fully paid up members of the society. - Candidates for the Council shall be elected by the General Assembly for a period of three years. Council members are eligible for re-election for another period usually of three years. Steps should be taken so that only half of the members of the Council members are replaced at each election.
- The work of the Council shall be conducted by the Chairperson in conjunction with the Vice Chairperson. The Chairperson will preside over all meeting of the committee and at general meetings. The Chairperson will discuss all matters with the Vice Chairperson, who will officiate meetings in case the Chairperson is unable to carry out his/ her duties. The Chairperson shall be assisted by the General Secretary, who shall be responsible for the routine business of the Council and keep its records. The General Secretary shall make minutes of the meetings of the Council and of the General Assembly, and maintain a directory of members. The Treasurer shall maintain proper records and accounts and arrange for such reports on the financial status of the Society as may be requested by the Council and by the General Assembly. The Meeting Secretary shall be responsible for the organisation of the next Scientific Meeting.
- A meeting of the Council shall be held whenever suggested by the Chairperson, or upon request of three of its members. The decision of the Council shall be made by majority vote and some members may participate by video link. A quorum of the Council shall be five. In case of equal division of the votes, the Chairperson shall cast the decisive vote. The Council may transact and vote by mail when the Chairperson finds this necessary
- The Council shall conduct the activities of the Society in accordance with article II and decide upon any steps necessary to promote the aims given therein. The Council elects representatives to the International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS) and the Federation of African Immunological Societies (FAIS). The council has the authority to create committees that execute some of the objectives of the society (Article II) and ensure that at least one council member is an active member of each committee.
Article VI: General Assembly
- The functions of the Society shall be decided by the General Assembly of members, which shall meet once a year in an Annual Scientific Meeting. Additional General Assembly Meetings may be arranged whenever the Council finds this to be necessary, or upon written request signed by at least 1/10 of the members of the Society. The Council shall prepare such a meeting according to what has been stated for the annual meetings. The announcement of an additional General Assembly shall be distributed to the members together with a statement of its purpose at least one month in advance.
- The Council shall prepare the agenda for the annual Assembly. The annual General Assembly Meeting shall: a) examine the activities of the Council based on the annual report of the Council; b) examine the financial situation of the Society and approve of the financial report prepared by the Council together with the report from the Auditor; c) accept the forthcoming fees and the budget, recommended by the Council; d) elect members to the Council according to articles II and V
- An auditor will be appointed for the following year by the annual general meeting. All society’s accounts, records and documents shall be opened to the inspection of auditor at any time. The treasurer shall produce an account of his receipts and payments. The auditor shall examine all accounts and statements and produce a report which will be furnished to all members. No auditor shall be an officer bearer or a member of the society.
- The General Assembly is conducted by the Chairperson or Vice Chairperson or another council member in their absence. The meeting shall follow the agenda prepared by the Council. Other subjects may be added to the agenda upon request from any members, if so decided by a majority vote of the members present (at the beginning of the meeting). All decisions shall be made by voting, where each paid up member present has one vote. A simple majority vote is required for all decisions with the exception of decisions concerning Articles IX and X. Minutes of the meeting shall be circulated to all members within one

Article VII: Scientific Meetings
The Scientific Meetings shall have a budget financially independent of the Society. A budget shall be prepared by the Meeting Secretary and shall be approved by the Council, six months prior to the meeting. If the financial balance shows a deficit, the Council may propose to the General Assembly that part of Society funds are used to cover the debts, in part or in full, in accordance to article II. If the financial balance shows a surplus, 50% of it shall be added to Society funds and 50% may be used as recommended by the Meeting Secretary to promote immunology at the site where the Scientific Meeting took place.

Article VIII: Changes of Statutes
For changes of or additions to the Statutes, a 2/3 majority vote is required at a duly called General Assembly Meeting. The proposed changes or additions shall be distributed to the members at least one month prior to the General Assembly. Alternatively, an internet-based voting system may be preferred, after ensuring that reasonable chance has been offered for online discussion of the subject before voting and no rigging can take place.

Article IX:Dissolution of the Society
For the dissolution of the Society, a 2/3 majority vote is required at a duly called General Assembly Meeting. The proposed dissolution should be distributed to the members at least one month prior to the General Assembly. Any surplus funds or property shall be applied to some scientific purpose as decided by the Assembly.